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Palexco hosts the Bertín Osborne Foundation Workshop on Mental Health

Culture and events > Palexco hosts the Bertín Osborne Foundation Workshop on Mental Health
taller salud mental

The Bertín Osborne Foundation’s Workshop on Mental Health for families of people with disabilities was held at Palexco, A Coruña, on Saturday, June 8, from 9:30 to 14:00.

The guest speaker was Silvia Álava Sordo, Doctor in Clinical and Health Psychology who, together with the Bertín Osborne Foundation, also provides psychological support to families who require it outside the workshops. This service is possible thanks to the collaboration of Fundación Once.

The workshops also have a free toy library service for children with disabilities and their siblings, staffed by volunteers from organizations such as Fundación Mapfre, Fundación Caixa, Fundación Once, Circo el Piruleto or ASDEGAL, who organize games for the children and allow their parents to experience beautiful and necessary moments of family respite.

Seville, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Malaga

The first Mental Health Workshop took place in Seville on February 3. It was followed by Madrid on February 17, Barcelona on March 16, Valencia on April 13, Malaga on May 18 and A Coruña on June 8.

Then it will be the turn of the Bilbao workshop on September 28. They will also visit Tenerife on October 26 and Valladolid on November 9. “The intention is to tour different cities with our workshops, addressing topics that interest and inform families, because knowledge is power and the more information we provide on how to help our children and people with disabilities, the better”, emphasize the Bertín Osborne Foundation.

All this is possible thanks to the support of entities and companies such as King Baudouin Foundation, Grupo Dial, Rmedios Marketing, the ASDEGAL volunteer team, ONCE Foundation, Mapfre Foundation and Palexco.

The aim of these Mental Health Workshops for families of people with disabilities is to offer families resources to help them take care of themselves and know how to manage their emotions, and to understand how important it is to put themselves first, no matter how difficult it may seem. In this way, they will be able to accompany their sons and daughters with disabilities in a healthy way.

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